A Blog for the Kansas City Gaelic Athletic Club

Thursday, May 13, 2010

KCGAC at The Celtic Ranch

Beer 'n Sports: who doesn't love that combination?

The KCGAC board headed up to Weston early and had our monthly meeting upstairs in The Celtic Ranch. We sipped on a few O'Malley's Weston Brewing Company beers while we debated the in's and out's of the club.

Then around 3 o'clock we invited people to come up and share a beer with us and talk about Gaelic Football and Hurling.

We had people from Hawaii there who had never heard of Gaelic games before, but were so impressed that they took our information and are going to see if there are any Gaelic clubs back on the big island.

People from all over the Kansas City metro area and Lawrence came up and we got two new "Honorary" members, the sisters Meghan and Erin, we tried to get their Dad to sign up, but he was having none of it!

Later we walked around the store wearing our club jerseys, listening to an acoustic session of Flanagan's Right Hook and absorbing the great atmosphere of The Celtic Ranch. Some of the lads stayed the night in Weston, and I think I'll do the same next time. 

Thank you Terry and John, you and the gang at The Celtic Ranch are the best.

Mike, Pete and Anto wearing their KCGAC gear
Sully and Scott chillaxing Ranch style
Anthony and Devin showing what not to do with a hurley stick
Curtis explains why looking good on the field is as important as being good!
Erin and Meghan will be out to practice next week or maybe to just cheer us on
Showing ball skills
Fearsome KCGAC players
After a hard day doing PR work, its time to sit down and drink

1 comment:

  1. What fun it was to have you guys here! Great energy and excitement. We did happen to notice that KCGAC members can toss back a beer or two. Thanks to Weston Brewing Company for the free micro-brews. Please come back, we need more fun like that here at the Ranch. Remember 10% off everyday to KCGAC members!
